Advent 2023

What is Advent?

Advent comes from the Latin word adventus, meaning “coming.” Advent begins the church year, starting four Sundays before Christmas and traditionally ends on Christmas eve. Advent was created around the time A.D. 480 as a time for Christians to fast and focus on the birth of Jesus and his second coming (when He will return to take all Christians up to Heaven with Him).  Advent is a time for self-examination and hopeful anticipation of the wonder of God incarnate.

A common sight at many churches is the Advent wreath with five candles each represent a theme of each week leading up to Christmas, and each week has its own theme: week one is hope, week two is peace, week three is joy, and week four is love; the candle in the middle is lit on Christmas Eve or Christmas day.

Join us for “Imagine Advent”

Part of the wonder of the season of Advent is sharing in the experience of our Savior taking on human form and living with us. This season we are using our imagination as we enter into the narrative of Scripture to allow our hearts and minds to be truly transformed by God in our present lives.

Join us Tuesday evenings at 6:15 pm to share in imaginative prayer through the Advent themes of Hope, Love, Joy, & Peace.

Date: December 5, 12, & 19

Time: 6:15 pm-7:30 pm (door’s close at 6:30 to begin reflection)

Location: 2995-A Airway Ave. Costa Mesa, CA 92626

Who: Anyone who desires to know Christ in a more real way! (anyone from any denomination is welcome)

You don’t need to prepare anything, the time will be guided by a spiritual director. Any questions reach out to Maryl