Events Living Life Together

Life at St. James

Prayer for St. James’ New Home

Sundays, at 11:45 am
Prayer for St. James’ New Home

Stick around on Sundays for 5 minutes immediately after the service and join us  in the Chapel as we pray for God’s guidance as we search for a new church home.


IDOP For The Persecuted Church

IDOP a Wonderful Success!

A big thank you to everyone who attended the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church(IDOP) on November 3!  It was such a blessing to hear the amazing ways God is working in Central Asia through persecuted believers!  We collected an offering to help suffering believers share the gospel with boldness. If you would like to contribute to this effort, please write a check to St. James with “persecuted church” on the memo line or give electronically using this link below.

Click Here to Give


Christmas Flowers

Christmas Flowers

It’s almost time to decorate the church for Christmas! Would you be willing to donate $10 for a poinsettia? What about donating $25 for a large wreath that hangs on the wall? Or what about donating $20 toward the Altar Flowers? Please fill out a Christmas flower donation card found in the church lobby. Make your check payable to St. James Anglican Church. On the memo line, write poinsettia, wreath, or altar flowers. Make sure to tell us who or what your donation is in memory of. The Flower Guild has already ordered the flowers.

Supporting the Unborn this Advent

Supporting the Unborn this Advent

We will continue our support of the unborn as well as their mothers and fathers throughout the month of December through our relationship with Horizon Pregnancy Clinic. Next week CEO Debra will discuss a baby bottle campaign and other ways St. James can support the unborn and their parents with mentorship, volunteering, and prayer.

Christmas Services

Celebrate Christmas With Us!

Celebrate Christmas with us. Be sure to pick up some invitations to invite members of your Oikos to our Christmas services. This is the one time year unchurched people will consider coming to church.

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service: Tuesday, December 24, at 6:30 pm

Christmas Day Service: Wednesday, December 25, at 10:00 am

Christmas Lessons & Carols Service:
Sunday, December 29, at 10:00 am

Life & Health Workshop Saturdays

Saturday, January 11, from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Life & Health Workshop Saturday

Join us on Saturday, January 11, from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm for our Life & Health Workshop. Dr. Nancy Anderson will be giving the workshop “Remembering for Future Generations” Passing on stories of faith and the goodness of God.

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