
Pastor Brian Schulz


Pastor Brian has been the Rector of St. James for five years. He also serves as the Canon for church planting for the Diocese of Western Anglicans.  Brian has a passion to see people transformed and healed by the power of God.  Prior to coming to St. James, he planted and pastored an Anglican church in Yucaipa, CA.  Although Brian committed his life to Jesus when he was in high school, Brian has not always been a pastor. He was a Peace Corps volunteer in the Congo where he taught English; he worked in consumer products marketing in Atlanta and Beijing; and he worked in marketing consulting in New York City.  He met his wife Julie at a Bible study in New York City.  They have been doing ministry together ever since.  They have a son Simeon, age 17, whose passion is football.


Jessica Castelan

Business Administrator | Service Coordinator

Yessica joined our staff in September 2022 as an administrative assistant. After the pandemic, Yessica realized she didn’t want to spend her entire life working for a corporation that didn’t nurture her soul but instead wanted to work for something greater than herself. Yessica has been happily married for more than a decade and is the mother of two girls. Her family has a passion for outdoor adventures, but they also value their time spent studying God’s Word together.

Charles Maggs
Pastor of Musical Worship


Charles Maggs has served as choir director, organist, worship leader, accompanist, and handbell choir director for over 30 years. With a Bachelors’s degree for Music and a music teaching credential, he has assembled teams of musicians and directed the music for the first and second bishops of the Diocese of Western Anglicans. Mr. Maggs has been married to his wife Jill since 1992, and they have two sons.

Janet Coronel
Lead Graphic Designer

Publications | Media | Graphic Design

Janet has been our Graphic Designer since 2012. Graduated from California State University Dominguez Hills with a Bachelor of Arts in Art/Graphic design and a minor in Computer Art. She loves the fact that she can be creative and bring Glory to God in all she does.

Carol Caudill

Finance | Registrar | Special Services

In 1986 Carol and John attended a Life in the Spirit Seminar at St. James where they met the Holy Spirit and welcomed His power in their lives. They attended occasionally and slowly began forming friendships with the church family. Carol was asked in 1992 to work on the capital campaign for the new building and was director of finance until 2005. The Lord has called Carol home to serve at St. James as the finance assistant & special events director. She loves being part of the St. James Family. Carol loves playing Words with Friends and is on Level 7204 in Candy Crush. And bakes wonderful cakes!

Samuel Maggs
Audio/Live Stream Producer

Service Producer | Tech Support

Sammy has been with St. James for quite some time and enjoys being part of the livestream services and overseeing the video recordings of the service.

Ruby Gonzalez

Ruby first joined St James through an invitation to a women’s group in 2003 that inspired her love for the church. She came on board to use her gifts of hospitality to serve God’s church and the people of St James because she believes she was born to serve God in this particular way. She brings her passion for service and attention to detail to the caretaking and upkeep of the house of God. One thing many people don’t know about Ruby is that she loves to dance and teach others to groove to all kinds of music.

Henry Siliezar

Henry has grown up at St. James attending youth group as a young man. He believes it has been God’s plan to be grafted into St. James from a young age to give his time and energy to support St. James. Henry has been a member since 2010 and continues to use his strength, gift of hospitality, and servanthood to the body of Christ. Something many don’t know about Henry is that he has a passion for race cars.

Dave Chapman
Senior Warden

Terri Boykin
Junior Warden

Beverly Lucas

Cheri Dale

Bob Flemming

Bud Davis

Sydney Regehr